Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A New Perspective

It has been a while since I have taken the time to put down in words my journey and my thoughts and inspirations. But it is time again. As I sit in my ‘special place’ and look around me, I notice that for the first time I can ever remember, I feel a bit ‘crowded’ by the trees and plants in the full bloom of summer. Through the winter months, I have enjoyed seeing the sky. I get up every morning and look out at the sky and talk with God. But I can’t see much of the sky in my little ‘haven’ of green. Previously, I have completely enjoyed ‘hiding out’ in my little green world behind our house. I wonder what has changed… What is it I am looking for in the sky that I miss when trees are in full leaf?

As I ponder this, I realize that I am constantly scanning the sky looking for Jesus to return and I feel crowded by the trees because I can’t see as much of the sky and fear I won’t see Him as quickly. As I struggle to put things in perspective, I realize that my perspective has changed. Rather than hoping the Lord won’t return before I have time to …, I long for Him to return and take us all to live with Him in Heaven.

In Luke 14, Jesus tells the parable of the Great Banquet. The master prepares a great feast and invites many to come. But they begin to make excuses – I bought a new field and need to check it out, I got some new oxen and want to try them out, I just got married and don’t have time. All these things that seem so important to us in this world distract us from the 'feast' prepared for us. It is not that any of them are wrong. They just pale in contrast to what God sees as important. 

In the parable, the master becomes angry at those who refuse to come. He sends his servant out to find all the poor, the blind, the lame. And when there is still room, he sends the servant out to the highways and byways to find anyone who will come. While we are busy being good people with big plans, all doing good things, God is gathering those who will listen for His voice and come to His banquet table. He is growing His kingdom person by person – those who are not too preoccupied with this life to come.

Yes, my perspective has changed. While I live in this world and need to ‘function’ in it each day, I’m spending time at the Master’s banquet table, I’m listening for His voice and watching for Him to return. The things in this world are just that – things. The things of God are eternal.

“It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when He comes.” Luke 12:37