Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Politics and Scripture

I cannot think of a time in my life when politics has been more divisive and even hateful as this season in the United States of America. And among those who call themselves Christian, the lines are being drawn, both sides citing Scripture and beliefs to back them up. “Political Correctness” is at an all time high and we “guilt” those who think differently than ourselves by name calling and putting words into their mouths.

I have been reading in Ecclesiastes, II Chronicles, and Lamentations – I know – all books we tend to avoid when reading Scripture because they are so depressing. I also have been reading the books of Luke, John and Revelation. So, I have been wondering…

“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Luke 6:45 NLV What is filling our hearts? Are we seeking God with our whole heart, mind and strength? Is our relationship with the Lord filling us and informing us? Or is it the nightly news (conservative or liberal) that is informing us? Is it blogs written by people who may or may not be filled with the Spirit of God that inform our thinking?

Lamentations is a book of tears written by Jeremiah the prophet as Judah fell to first Egypt and then Babylonia. Judah didn’t fall because of a bad leader. Judah fell because the hearts of the people had wondered far from God and He pulled His protection from them. They were never strong in and of themselves. They had become a strong nation because the Lord fought for them and had prospered them. But now their religious leaders were more interested in what other countries were doing and forgot that they were to teach the people who God is and how to enter into His presence. From time to time, they even lost the "Book of the Law" that contained God's instructions for them. The hearts of the people were wanting to keep up with the other nations, offering prayers and sacrifices to foreign gods and reveling in their wealth. Status was more important to them than their relationship with the one true God. They forgot how they had gotten there y the hand of God and were full of pride and arrogance. 

I live in a country where people vote and elect the government. There are always political campaigns going on in the background and as election years draw near, they become louder and louder. But quite frankly, I am tired of “Christian” leaders and writers taking sides politically and “guilting” people into voting for their political party. I long for the day when the Christian leaders and writers are focused on teaching the people who God is and how He has led and protected His people in the past and is leading and protecting His people in the present. Jeremiah said, “Rise during the night and cry out. Pour out your hearts like water to the Lord. Lift up your hands to Him in prayer, pleading for your children, for in every street they are faint with hunger.” Lamentations 2:19 NLV

I long for the day that instead of political rantings, we hold prayer vigils – because we know the Lord and have a personal relationship with Him and because we desire change through hearts turning to God. It does not matter who is in power – “good king” or “bad king”. What matters is where the hearts of the people are. Are we praying? Are we offering help to the “refugees” we want to protect? Or are we just using them to promote our political views? Are we helping pregnancy crisis centers? Or are we just using pro-life rhetoric to promote our political views? Where our energy and our money go are the indicators of where our hearts are at. If our hearts are truly aligned with the Lord, then we will show fruit – not just words. How we live our lives will always demonstrate with what our hearts are truly filled.

Lord, please fill me with you. I want the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart to be truly acceptable to You. I want to truly live in Your Presence and have You inform all that I am and all that I do. Make me generous and loving like You are. Cause me to be a light in the darkness and a good salt that flavors the earth with Your goodness. Amen