Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Feast is Ready... Come!

Our grandchildren love to come to our house for special occasions and have a “feast” at our table. They call it that because we put on a tablecloth, we use special dishware, the food is placed in serving dishes, we put out special dishes with pickles, pickled beets, sliced homemade bread, and all their favorite foods. Our granddaughter loves to do little things to decorate the table and the area around the table too. It is a joyful time for everyone!

This morning as I was praying and worshiping God, He brought to mind the banquet that He prepares for me every day! He knows just what I like and what I need and He prepares a table for me each and every day and invites me to come, sit with Him, eat and drink and be filled. He puts the food in special dishes and makes it attractive. He serves only the best wine. And He lingers at the table in conversation with me, hearing my heart and telling me what is in His heart. He loves me and draws me into the conversation and teaches me many things.

Song of Songs 2:3-5 puts it this way, “Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my beloved among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste. Let him lead me to the banquet hall, and let his banner over me be love. Strengthen me with raisins, refresh me with apples, for I am faint with love.” Once we have experienced sitting at His table and being fed from His choice foods, we are drawn to that and desire it. My intimacy with Jesus grows as I spend time with Him at the table which He has prepared for me.

Psalm 23:5 says, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” When life is hard and things are pushing in on me, when circumstances are just plain horrible, still He prepares a table for me, feeds me and anoints me. And I am strengthened in order to face even the hardest things in life.

In Luke 14:16-24 Jesus tells the parable about a banquet. In summary, a banquet was prepared and many were invited to come celebrate at the table. But those who were invited were too busy. They had work to do, investments to check out, other people they wanted to see. And they refused to come. So the one who prepared the banquet invited those who were poor, crippled, blind and lame. And when the table still had room, he filled the table with those out in the country and surrounding area. All the self-important people who were first invited, missed this great event.

How blessed we are to be called to Jesus’ banquet table each day. He wants to feed us, strengthen us, heal us, and teach us as we feast at His table He has prepared for us. How sad He must be when we are too busy to come. How sad we will be when we realize we were invited, but we missed it because we chose to serve our busyness rather than sit at His table.

Lord, open my eyes to see the table You have prepared for me. May I never miss a time or place where You have invited me to dine with You. Continue to grow my intimacy with You. Teach me who You are and what You have for me to do each day. Thank You for calling me, inviting me and making room for me at Your table. Amen.