Saturday, July 9, 2011


I like to believe that I am ‘good’ at some things and ‘very good’ at others. That is part of who I am. Throughout my life, I have gained skills and gotten even ‘better’ at some of those things. So when I am ‘in my element’ I can really shine. And I love it when others say, “Wow! You really know what you are doing here.”

According to Luke 5, Simon (later known as Peter) owned his own fishing boat. He had to have been a very good fisherman. It was what he was good at – not just good, but very good! He made a living for himself and for others he hired to help on his boat. No doubt other fishermen would say, “There goes Simon. He’s one of the best fishermen in the whole area.” And little boys who liked fishing would say, “When I grow up, I want to be like Simon and have my own fishing boat and catch big fish.”

It would be quite easy for Simon to feel proud of himself. He had accomplished something important with his life. He was successful at what he did. When Jesus asked to use his boat to speak to the people on the shoreline, Simon must have felt quite proud that Jesus had selected his boat out of all the boats there. He might have thought, “Even Jesus thinks my boat is the best. He chose to use it today.” Yes, Simon’s confidence was high. Well sort of… he had a not-to-successful night fishing the night before and wondered who did what to the sea that there weren’t so many fish to catch anymore. But you’ll have this once in a while. Tonight he would go out again and fill the nets because he was that good and that successful.

After Jesus was done talking with the people, Jesus turned to Simon and asked him to take him on a deep sea fishing trip. Simon was quick to inform Jesus that if he, one of the best fishermen on the coast, was unable to catch anything last night, there was nothing there to be caught. But if Jesus wanted to go out and drag the nets around a while, he would humor him and let him see for himself that there just were no fish in the area right now. Besides, you can’t expect to get fish in the heat of the day – they go deeper and further out. This Jesus sure didn’t know much about fishing.

Wait! What’s going on with the nets? Are they really filling with fish? How can it be? James! John! Come quick and help. This is a huge catch – the most I’ve ever seen in all my years fishing! “… and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.” John 5:7b

Simon’s response was quick, “… he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, ‘Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!’” Luke 5:8 He recognized instantly that only God could do something this huge. Everything that he thought he was, everything that he took confidence in within himself was worthless compared to who he was standing next to. And then Jesus invited Simon to come with him. “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” Luke 5:10 And Simon didn’t hesitate, nor did James and John. “So they pulled their boats up on shore, and left everything and followed him.” Luke 5:11

Two things happen when we truly come into the presence of the Lord. First, we see ourselves for what we really are – filthy rags next to his holiness and incompetent next to his greatness. All the greatness that we think we are is suddenly nothing when we truly set our eyes on Jesus. And secondly, when we discover that he loves us in spite of ourselves and that he is inviting us to join him in his work, we are willing to drop everything and follow him. We can do nothing less because there is no place we would rather be than following him.

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