Friday, March 27, 2020

Isolation, Social Distancing, or Sabbath Rest

I have been reading Leviticus (I think I just heard a chorus of groans). It is usually one of my least favorite books in the Bible because it is tedious and full of things that don’t pertain to us now (how to do the sacrifices, what animals are acceptable, etc.). I have also been reading Judges – a long series of leaders that rose up when Israel would forget God and go through the cycle of worshipping idols and then be invaded by another kingdom and be in captivity or made slaves to the invading country and come back to God, be restored to their land, and then soon wonder off again. In light of COVID-19 gaining momentum in our country, these readings have been causing me to ponder.

One of the things God asked the people of Israel to do was let the land rest every 7 years and every 50 years was to be a year of Jubilee when any land that had been sold was to be returned to the original family and people were to return home to their land and their clan. And that was one of the things God addressed with the Israelites when they went into captivity. He told them that because they refused to observe the Sabbath rests for the land, He would give the land its rest while they were in captivity in another country. You see, when God asks us to do something, it is important to Him that we obey.

Now, over 2,000 years after the Messiah came and told us that He was the fulfillment of the Law, we are no longer required to let the land rest every 7 years or return land to the original family every 50 years. But, we are invited to Sabbath rest. Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31

As we are ordered to stay home and unable to do business as usual (at least for most of us), I wonder if God is giving us time to ponder who He is and if He is saying, “You have been too busy to take a Sabbath rest, so I will give you a couple months of rest while you wait for the virus to subside.” I feel like He is showing us what is important – time for our children, time to notice His amazing creation all around us, time to build relationship with Him, and He is teaching us the importance of praying. There is a lot more praying going on these days as we find ourselves coming face to face with our mortality!

Just maybe, God is using this time to reset our compasses to due Eternity. Many of us have forgotten why we are here – the purpose God has given us. We fail to worship Him and begin to worship ourselves among other “idols” we have set up for ourselves including our achievements, our financial status, our travels, our entertainments, our friends and acquaintances, or whatever we have put between ourselves and our God. Our churches compete with each other for bigger, better, and more instead of joining together with the purpose of telling others about our Savior, Jesus Christ, who came to take away the sins of the world including taking their sins and giving them His righteousness! We have good news to share and instead many of us gather for entertainment and ritual. Just maybe God is showing us who the Church is – the unified body of Christ - not a building or a program, but the body of Christ! All joined together as one!

And just maybe, if He has gotten our attention and we respond well, He will be able to shorten the time of COVID-19 because it has accomplished its purposes. Yes, Satan meant it for evil, the destruction of many lives, but God can and will use it for good, the building of His church and the saving of many lives for eternity.

Father, we confess we have lost sight of our purposes here and we have a lot of speed-learning to do about what it means to be Your Church. As we have this time of Sabbath Rest, restore our souls and lead us to the green pastures and streams of living water that You have for us. Teach us to keep our hearts, minds and souls focused on eternity that we would serve Your eternal purposes and not get caught up in the world’s near-sighted ways. Heal our land and our people that together we might shout Your praises and bring You glory! In the mighty and powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

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