Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Biblical Perspective

As I read through the Bible day after day, month after month, year after year, I am finding that God speaks to me through His Word. He gives me different perspectives different times. It is kind of like a zoom lens on a camera. You can see the big picture if you are zoomed out, and see detail of a small part of the picture if you are zoomed in.

God’s Word is like that. If you are zoomed out, you can see God’s full creation and God’s full plan for saving His people. God is the Shepherd and we are His flock. He is constantly bringing the lost back, prodding the stray back into the fold, finding green grass and clear water for us. The big picture is His awesome love for us and the extent He is willing to go to bring us back to Him.

You can zoom in a little closer and see Jesus and His death and resurrection to save us from our being lost. His provision of eternal life and God’s desire for us to be with Him for eternity become more pronounced.

Or we can zoom in even closer and see the teachings of Jesus that help us look at daily life from a different perspective. We can see how we are to interact with each other, how we are to be part of God’s plan to bring others to Him, how we can live at peace with even our enemies.

And then we can zoom in to macro mode and see our own rough edges that need to be sanded off and see how God is changing us every day to reflect His light more clearly to others even as He shows Himself to us.

Wow God, you can do all of that through one book we call the Bible. How awesome is that!

As I read the Bible, I find myself wondering about specific things. I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide my thinking in order that I might understand what God is saying to me personally through the Scripture or that I might understand what God is doing in that Scripture. I have been journaling much of this for myself and decided to share it in a blog for a season. So have at it and let God speak to you as well.

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