Sunday, June 12, 2011

A New Body

Not that I haven’t thought about it before, but since our son left his earthly body a few months ago, I’ve thought about it a lot more. As I was reading Paul’s writings in I Corinthians 15 this morning, I was amazed at how detailed Paul was. I know I read this many times before, but this time I was paying more attention!

First, Paul voices the question. “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?” I Corinthians 15:35 His answer: “How foolish! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies.” I Corinthians 15:36 I began wondering about seeds. Most seeds are very small. They have a kernel of life in them, but it is not until they are buried in the ground and shrivel up and the outer shell disintegrates – dies – that they truly become what they were meant to be – full of life and producing fruit. Out of that small seed comes a beautiful flowering plant, a huge tree, or a productive garden vegetable. It is more alive than the seed ever appeared to be.

Paul tells us, “So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.” I Corinthians 15:42-44 “And just as we have born the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven. I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we will all be changed – in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed.” I Corinthians 15:49-52

In this world, we look at death as a horrible thing. We strive to live as long as we can, not wanting to let go of what we have here on this earth. But as I read these words, I wonder why! If death is our passage to becoming truly alive to being raised in glory and power forever, why do we cling so tightly to this thing we call life on this earth? Why do we put so much energy into obtaining things that we think will bring us happiness such as a bigger house, a newer car, a super vacation, a great retirement plan, and so little into preparing our spirits (which I see as the kernel inside us that will grow into a thing of beauty once we die) for an eternity of glory and power?

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21 I wonder what these treasures are that we are storing in heaven? I think they are relationships that we nurture in this world. I think they are the people saved as we share the Gospel of Christ with others. I think they are the love we have for our fellow travelers in this world as we give of our blessings and our time to others around us. I think they are the special times, memories we have as we grow in our relationship with Christ. These are all the things that pertain to the soul – the spirit within us. That is the imperishable part of who we are and who we will become as we die to this world and are raised up with Christ.

As I understand more about what is to come, I can easily say with Paul, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain!” Philippians 1:21 I’m looking forward to eternity and I’m working at storing treasures there as I get ready to go.

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