Saturday, February 19, 2011

Enough is All We Need

It wasn’t long after leaving Egypt that the Israelites began to grumble to Moses. They were remembering the pots of meat and having full stomachs. Somehow, they were forgetting the slavery and edicts to kill all the male babies among them. They were beginning to think about turning around and going back to Egypt.

God had them on a journey to fulfill the Covenant he had with them – giving them the land flowing with milk and honey – he would be their God and they would be his people. But rather than looking ahead to what God was doing with them and for them, they insisted on looking back at what they were leaving behind (with colored glasses on so as not to see the bad, only the good).

God was more than ready for their challenge. He knew he had to get their minds off Egypt so they could move forward to the Promised Land. He needed them to get their eyes on him and know that he was God. He told Moses to tell the people, “At twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.” Exodus 16:12

God provided manna for them, commanding them, “Each one is to gather as much as he needs.” Exodus 16:16 If they gathered too much, it became full of maggots – except on the 6th day. They were to gather enough for two days in order to keep the Sabbath. And on that day, it did not spoil. “The Israelites ate manna forty years, until they came to the land that was settled; they ate manna until they reached the border of Canaan.” Exodus 15:35

I wonder how many times I look back wishing for what was rather than looking ahead to where God is leading me. I’m especially aware of this right now because I keep looking back wanting things to be the same as they were. I don’t want to go forward through my desert of grief over losing our 28-year-old son. I want to go back to where he was alive and well and we could talk and spend time together laughing and enjoying each other’s company. There were so many good things back there. Not that he was an ‘Egypt’. He was a very godly young man – seeking God with all his heart. But why would I want him stuck in his mortal flesh again when he has experienced heaven and being with Jesus in all his glory?

And so I turn and look ahead wondering where the Lord is leading me. I don’t know what my future will look like. It will be different from what I thought it would look like. Sometimes I become very anxious with not knowing. But one thing I trust and that is that my God will supply the ‘manna’ I need each day. I don’t need to be greedy and try to store up for the next day because just as he provided today, he will provide tomorrow and the next day and the next. My responsibility is to gather what he has put before me – just enough for today. And as long as I need it, he will provide for me – even if it is 40 years.

What does this ‘manna’ look like? Unlike the manna of the Israelites that was the same day after day, the ‘manna’ I receive is different. It is mostly found in my quiet time with God as he whispers his love and compassion into my soul through his words preserved in Scripture. But it is also the prayers of others, the cards, the reminders of God’s promises, the meal brought in on the day I’m too tired to prepare one, the hug I desperately need, the grace people have with me when I’m slow getting things done, and the peace and joy found in watching a sunset or a daffodil emerging from the soil or the birds eating the seeds put out for them in the snow.

God is reminding me each day, “I am the Lord your God…I will provide enough for you each day whatever your need is that day. You do not need to go on this journey alone. I am with you every step of the way.” And somehow, I believe God has special things planned if I’m willing to stick with him.

Thank you, Lord, for your provision for me for today. I choose to trust you with today and with my future. Thank you for those who have become part of your plan to provide for me. Thank you for going before me and leading the way. I love you, Lord. Amen

1 comment:

  1. He is enough, and I'm so glad our Lord is patient with us, and He never tires of showing us again and again that He is all we need.
