Thursday, October 15, 2009

What is Truth?

Jesus was taken to Pilate, the Roman governor. This created a problem for those who arrested him because being Jewish, they could not go into the palace or they would become unclean. And they wanted to be able to eat the Passover, so they had to stay ceremonially clean. I wonder if even one of them had a clue that Jesus was their Passover Lamb. It seems ironic that they were about to slaughter the ultimate Passover Lamb, the Christ, and they were trying to stay ‘clean’ for their Passover. They were trying hard to do the ‘right’ things, but they totally missed who Jesus was and why he was here. How could they be so blind?

I wonder what ‘rituals’ in my life keep me from seeing the Christ in a situation. Is it more important for me to go to church on Sunday morning than to help someone in need who is on my doorstep? Is it more important for me to do my devotions in the morning than to take the time to listen to a hurting friend? What is the point of church or devotions if I am not loving those the Lord has brought to me?

Well, Pilate solved their dilemma by coming out to them. They insisted that Jesus was a criminal deserving the worst death. Pilot suggested they take him and judge him by their own laws. “But we have no right to execute anyone.” John 18:31 They wanted him out of their lives for good. “Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, ‘Are you the king of the Jews?’” John 18:33 Another irony here is that while the Jewish people could not go into the palace, Jesus, the Son of God, was able to walk into this ‘unclean’ area and didn’t hesitate to do so – not that he had a choice! But he could have bulked and reminded Pilate that he too was a Jew.

“Jesus said, ‘My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.’ ‘You are a king, then!’ said Pilate. Jesus answered, ‘You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.’ ‘What is truth?” Pilate asked. With this he went out again to the Jews and said, ‘I find no basis for a charge against him. But it is your custom for me to release to you one prisoner at the time of the Passover. Do you want me to release ‘the king of the Jews’?’ They shouted back, ‘No, not him! Give us Barabbas!’ Now Barabbas had taken part in a rebellion.” John18:36-40

It is interesting that they wanted the release of a true criminal – one who had taken part in a rebellion, and wanted to make sure Jesus died. But what really got my attention here is that Pilate asked, “What is truth?” That isn’t so different than what people are asking today. What is truth? Why do you think your truth is more true than mine? Show me!

And like today, Pilate did not wait for an answer. It was a rhetorical question basically telling Jesus, you can believe what you want. I don’t agree with you. But you are harmless, so I’ll try to get you set free here.

Jesus “came into the world to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” John 18:37 Jesus had been teaching that he was the Son of God and that he wanted us to understand that God loves us more than we can comprehend. He had been teaching that God wants to heal the sick, give sight to the blind, and raise the dead. He had been teaching that God can provide for us way more than what our physical bodies need. He can provide spiritual nourishment for us. He taught that we should love God with all our heart and love others as ourselves. He taught that God wants to rescue us from our own selfish desires that will destroy us and give us eternal life, love, joy, and peace instead.

How do I know this? I have been reading the Inspired Word that God breathed into those who would record it and preserve it. And I have been learning to let God invade my life more and more until my awareness of his presence with me is as comfortable as the air I breathe. You could say it’s all in my head, but others are noticing things like the joy and peace and love that are present in me. And knowing that those are not part of my carnal nature, they have to be from another source. My source is God. My rabbi and Savior is Jesus. That is my Truth and it is the Truth that anyone with the courage to let go of what they hold on to in this world can have as well. My Truth has a name. It is Yahweh.

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